Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Palin not worth Hatin'

Come on people! Sure Bristol Palin can't dance. Her improvement at dancing can only honestly state that she has come up from total embarrassment to making anyone paying attention wince in pain and embarrassment for her because of her stiffness, her missed steps, and her lack of rhythm. I state this as someone who has bad back, bad knees, and no recognizable sense of rhythm brought up Southern Baptist and not allowed to dance. That means I recognize one of my own, the people who should not be allowed to dance in public as our awfulness could potentially cause the Universe to end.

Just because calling Bristol Palin a “star” is stretching things all out of shape is no reason to hate her. Her mother is no reason to hate her. That her mother shamelessly uses Bristol for her selfish political aspirations is reason to disapprove of Sarah not Bristol. If you really can’t stand the sight of Bristol stumping around on a dance floor don’t watch, and flood ABC’ e-mail and phone lines about never watching their crappy show again and encourage all your friends and family to do the same. The real key is getting people to stop watching the show. I guarantee you that a significant drop in ratings tied to Bristol Palin and she will be voted off next.

Instead people keep watching and complaining, but the key is watching and increasing ABC’s viewing shares. As long as your continued bad behavior keeps making money for them they will continue to promote controversial non-stars and keep them in the running.

The part that bothers me the most are the delusional people who are voting for Bristol and think all of us are “Haters” when if anything we are annoyed at being forced to endure more of Sarah Palin when she should have just dropped off the face of the earth after being the number one reason for John McCain loosing in 2008. (Note, McCain probably would still have lost, Sarah and her words and behavior just turned it into an embarrassing defeat for Republicans in general.)

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