Sunday, August 8, 2010

gay marriage whats it all about?

George Takai married his long time boyfriend. Heterosexual marriage crumbles...
Or did it?

civil union vs gay marriage 

I had been told that civil unions were basically marriage. If the information on the link above is correct that is almost correct which means not really true.

Disclaimer time...
One of my nephews is openly gay, a fact that I was unaware of until I heard that my sister had kicked him out of her home, for that and apparently other reasons. She apparently does not even acknowledge him as her son on Facebook. My brother as an early teen was sexually assaulted multiple times by a man claiming to be gay. My brother currently is an inmate in a Texas prison pretty much because of the same person who attacked my brother perjuring himself to avoid going to prison for another crime. I was brought up very religiously, Southern Baptist, and for several years thought I would be a Youth pastor or maybe a preacher. I spent significant amounts of time over three years working at a Mission Center. To say that I am conflicted about this subject is an understatement.

I believe that it is unfair and uncharitable to deny two people who love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives with each other the legal protections of marriage. It puts undue burden on them financially to get a lawyer to give them the same protections and Civil Unions do not extend past state borders.

It is also STUPID to blindly assert that allowing Gay Marriage would not open the door to other types of marriage currently not allowed. The people who use this argument state it poorly. Let me try to put it in prospective. If we decide that two men can marry each other or two women, why not let bi-sexual people in consensual and knowledgeable relationships with two other people the same "Equal Protection" provided by certain interpretations of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. Why don't we allow marriage between two men and one women or vice versa? If group marriages are allowed there should always be a baby sitter available, and one person losing a job has far less of a financial impact if there are multiple partners working.  Any type of relationship has problems, and people will emphasis or deemphasis those problems based on what they want to "prove."

At what point, if we allow gays to marry each other, and then allow bisexuals, then group marriages, who do we say "no" to? Most countries do not accept teen-agers as non-adults. Most less technologically advance nations can't afford to allow potentially productive people to not work. Here in the U.S. except in Mississippi you generally have to be 16 years or older to get married. Mississippi Marriage Laws

In Texas, where I grew up that would be statutory rape if the male was at least 18 years old. So just to put this in perspective, because of the way our laws are written forty-nine states MUST accept as legal a marriage in Mississippi if the couple moves to another state what amounts to a minor being forced into marriage before she would be able to make a mature reasoned decision, but two grown adults can get a Civil Union in one of I believe three states only to be unmarried if they exit the state in which they were joined.

The real problem is that it really isn't about marriage. It is about being forced to accept something that many people do not want to accept. Laws should be made to force people to accept that people can be joined together even when others do not approve, but the laws need to be written in such a way that it is clear that this is only a legal/government decision and that it does not and cannot  force people to change their religious beliefs or tolerate immoral behavior within their own religious structure.

Note some religious organizations accept homosexual relationships and that is fine. God and time will determine whether acceptance or failure to accept any one behavior is the correct path to take. I would also like to state that Biblically speaking, homosexuality when it is mentioned specifically largely seems to point to groups of young men in gangs forcing themselves on others and then killing them. Whatever Gay Marriage is really about for those who are gay, I'm pretty sure that rape and murder of strangers is NOT what they are seeking to legalize.

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