Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Christian Government Part 2

I missed the thirsty and gave you drink. This can still work.

One thing that really irritates me is not the sudden abundance of Natural gas but the method in which it it retrieved. There are parts of this country where people get their water from water wells. Some parts of the country that water has been polluted by a proprietary process that has made the Corporation Haliburton another fortune. A movie called gas land covers this story.

This was not the movie I wanted but it does point out some of the issues with our dependence on fossil fuels.

The movie I was looking for has a man who goes to some of the areas in this country where Haliburton has polluted local water tables so that water straight from the tap is flammable.

We as God's children were, according to the Bible, given dominion over the Earth to take care of it and the creatures on it, under it, and over it. Wiping out large areas of life, destroying delicate ecosystems, and doing it to enrich a small group of people that own a corporation that then is moved to another country primarily to avoid rendering to Cesar the things that are Cesar's does not exemplify the Christian spirit. A Christian government would no allow the irresponsible destruction for profit that multi-national corporations wreak in the name of what can reasonable be seen as obscene.

Back to more relevant topics for this set of verses next.

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