Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Christian Government Part 3

I was a stranger and you invited me in

A Christian government would take strangers in...

I see this section of a verse as applied to the world today meaning we would help people who are different from us. Directly it would mean giving them a place to live, a home if you will, shelter if actually taking someone into your own house is beyond what you are presently able to give. Adding this to the feeding and giving the thirsty something to drink sounds like what some might call welfare for illegal aliens.

I believe this goes two steps further than that. It would also mean giving these strangers a chance to earn a living by giving them jobs and paying them enough that they could support themselves without suffering abject poverty. If this were not also part of Jewish law and custom Boaz probably never would have met Ruth. They would not have had Obed who was the father of Jesse,who had King David from whom the Savior sprang.

I'm going to leave you with two more words that show that this country is not in any way shape or form willing to follow this vital example of what Christianity means...


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