Sunday, July 18, 2010

Racist activists misusing statistics

If you do a search on the NAACP resolution against racist elements within the Tea-Party movement you will get a mind blowing burst of racism and hatred... from the people making posts. I believe that would prove the NAACP's point about racism.

In the two wikipedia links I placed at the top I did a little informal research on skin color. I was surprised to read about some pseudoscience about a theory called "Melanin Theory" that larger amounts of darker melanin makes you smarter and that "white" people were deliberately developing drugs to target people of darker skin. I also read some really racist and as far as I can tell pretty much completely wrong hate mongering posts.

Other than the pseudoscience "Melanin theory" I saw nothing claiming that the color of your skin makes you smarter or better in any useful way that even tried to be scientific.

One poster trotted out statistics that he or she claimed came from the FBI stating that significantly more African-Americans statistically speaking were in prison than those of other races. You do not have to go to the FBI for statistics like that, those facts are fairly common knowledge.

They have nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with wealth, education, and what your job title is, who you hang out with, etc...

In other words cultural conditions.

Kenneth Lay CEO of Enron died while vacationing after being convicted of 10 counts of security fraud and related charges. sentenced to between 20 and 30 years in prison. I don't believe he served even a single day in prison and after his death his case was vacated by the presiding judge. Lay's family kept most of the fortune he stole as he went about defrauding everyone around him.

Don Blankenship CEO of Massey Energy killed 29 people in one explosion. He has killed other people through greed and negilgence. He did so, not with a gun or a knife but with greed. He could be charged with involuntary manslaughter but will in all likelyhood end up dieing an insanely wealthy man in his own bed never having served a day in prison. Google Coal, Massey Energy

Tony Hayworth CEO of BP wants his life back. He only killed 11 people so far with this current disaster. I don't know how many other deaths can be attributed to him with his preferred weapon of greed. those dead people are just as dead and as premeditated as a convenience store robbery gone bad. When you cut safety corners you are saying I care more for my personal wealth than I do for the health, safety and lives of my employees, my customers, and the poor people who just happen to have the misfortune to be in the wrong place when the feces hits the Oscillating Rotor.

Rolondo Cruz was guilty, of greed. He fabricated a story about evidence regarding the brutal rape and death of a little girl to try to collect a $10,000 reward. Not only was the story not believed, the police decided Rolando and Alejandro Hernandez were guilty of the crime without any evidence. There were lies under oath, some people call that perjury. There was a confession, by Brian Dugan who actually did kill the little girl. There were multiple trials and multiple convictions all without any evidence of Cruz and Hernandez being guilty of anything other than lying to try to get a reward. They were convicted each time and given the death penalty and would have been executed if a Dupage County Judge hadn't finally found some sanity and acquitted the two defendants on the basis of recanted testimony from a police officer who had perjured himself, DNA evidence clearing Cruz and Hernandez and proving Brian Dugan was guilty and the lack of any substantiated evidence against the two defendants.

O. J. Simpson, managed to get off on a poorly run murder trial, lost a civil trial taking every last penny he hadn't managed to hide to a a man crying crocodile tears over a son he had apparently disowned. Now O. J. Simpson, rightly or wrongly, will serve every day of the rest of his life in prison in a travesty of justice over an attempt to collect personal belongings that he claimed had been stolen from him. Simpson may have killed two people. I think he did, but not by himself. He is being punished not for the crimes that can be "proven" but for the earlier murders that the L. A. police force and the prosecution messed up.

The facts are indisputable that if you are African-American, especially if you live in a poor section of town, and you are suspected of committing a crime you are far more likely to go to prison or get executed than a rich white man. If you get caught with enough marijuana on your person to be considered a dealer you will go to jail and the public defender you get to protect your legal rights won't even half try to get you off. If you are wealthy and have a "respectable" job you will have a high priced bunch of lawyers and you will probably never go to prison. The prosecution can have enough evidence to prove your guilt many times over and odds are the rich guy will walk away with a substantial amount of his wealth and little to no jail time. That even is making the assumption that the rich guy is even brought to trial. Rich white women are more likely to get jail time. Remember Martha Stewart?

It infuriates me when I read or hear about people using statistics and then putting their own spin on what those statistics really mean. Yes, I know I have done pretty much the same thing here with my post. I however, am not saying the black men are more likely to be criminals because they have more Melanin than white people. I am saying that our society makes victims of people often on a basis of skin color or lack of wealth while letting people who went to the "right" schools or have lots of commas in their bank statement on the asset side not only don't pay a debt to society for their crimes, they often don't even get official recognition of their lawlessness.

As a Christian, I say that one day all of these people will kneel before Christ. I cannot tell you the names of those who will be taken into Heaven versus the names of those who will choose to spend eternity in Hell.
I can tell you that without repenting of their sins and loving and forgiving EVERYONE it does not matter what their bank account says or where they went to school.

1 comment:

  1. QUOTE OF THE CENTURY: "When you cut safety corners you are saying I care more for my personal wealth than I do for the health, safety and lives of my employees, my customers..."
