Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Christian Government Part 4

I needed clothes and you clothed me

Imagine a government that was so Christlike it provides clothing for those who do not have them. I really don't know what to add to this. Would the government have factories to produce clothing? Would they just buy it? Does that part matter? I'm not sure.

Having met a few homeless people I can say that I have not noticed our government doing anything to clothe people who need clothes. People who do help those in need often work for local volunteer organizations. Many of those are religious and often do not meet Federal guidelines to receive Federal aid. Lets turn the separation of Church and State into something that hurts the poor. I'm sure that was what our Founding Fathers meant to do.

On a side note, I have a solution to the illegal immigrant problem. Fine the people who hire the illegal immigrants. Make the fine twice what it would cost them to hire a legal worker either a citizen or someone with a green card. Offer rewards to the illegals that would make it worth while to them to turn in the people who hire them illegally. Take the rewards from the fines. Limit the number of times one person can receive the reward if you feel you have that need.

That would take care of the illegal alien issue fairly shortly as they are here because people will pay them better than they would be paid where they came from. Use some of the money from the fines to help the countries from which the illegals are coming from to help them create jobs that pay well to help them stay at home.

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