Friday, July 23, 2010

fixing the economy

Here is a semi-simple solution to resolving the current economic crisis.

Have the government buy land and buildings all over the country that banks are just sitting on. Use powers of eminent domain or whatever to get it. Then employ people without jobs using those properties in Green enterperises. Make solar cells, wind turbines, wave energy machines in the buildings. For the undeveloped land use it to grow plants that can make bio-fuels. Grow bamboo and use inplace of 2x4's where appropriate in construction.

Place the wind turbines that the government is having made placed on that land to generate electricity. Place the solar cells along our highway medians. Put the wave energy turbines along parts of our coast that don't have high value and population.

Turn the running of these buildings and farms over to local governments to take care of their local populations. Don't tax them at all or lightly tax them for a period of five years if they end up turning a profit. Let the locals keep the money at work in thier own communities to create more jobs with the limitation that the money must be kept within their own county or city and must be owned and operated by the people working in them.

Create electricity generating plants that burn bio-diesel, and create a car company or three that only make inexpensive reliable electric cars that are geared towards large city driving. Give the younger unemployed people who are working on these farms and in the buildings credits toward a paid education in engineering, farming etc... that is geared towards training these people to become green engineers and farmers if they are interested.

Over time this program will pay for itself. It will have people working instead of collecting unemployment checks which seems to irk Republicans. It will take money away from China and from countries that are sponsoring terrorists. It will create jobs, and energy that does not harm our world. It will keep some money out of the hands of greedy useless fatherless children who believe that we should meekly had over everything to the rich (them) and in circulation locally. It will keep money out of the hands of greedy bankers who would rather the whole world fails than that they have less money with which to play their little games of world domination with real peoples lives.

Where the feces hits the Oscillating Rotor.

1 comment:

  1. Of course this can never happen precisely because it does not allow the rich to become richer.
